Tanzania bans plastic bags – how will this affect you as a traveller

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The Government of Tanzania has advised travellers to the country that as of 1 June, all plastic carrier bags, regardless of thickness, will be prohibited from being imported, exported, manufactured, sold, stored, supplied and used in mainland Tanzania.

This excludes plastic packaging for medical services, industrial products, construction industry, agricultural sector, foodstuffs, sanitary and waste management.

Visitors to the country are advised to avoid carrying plastic carrier bags or packing plastic bags or items in plastic carrier bags in suitcases or hand luggage. Special desks will be present at all entry points for the surrender of plastic carrier bags that visitors bring into Tanzania.

‘Ziploc bags’ specifically used to carry toiletries will, however, be permitted as they are expected to remain in the permanent possession of visitors, and are not expected to be disposed in the country.

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