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Supporting a path for sustainable business travel programs

 FCM NZ Sustainability Campaign Summery Image

Within the framework of a global travel entity, Flight Centre Travel Group (FCTG), FCM stands steadfast in its commitment to the ongoing journey toward sustainability.

Capitalising on our existing accomplishments and informed by a comprehensive understanding of the sustainability complexities inherent in our industry, our resolve remains unwavering: to continually scrutinise our efforts and uncover avenues for improvement as a corporate entity.

Our focal point extends to facilitating analogous transformations for our clients—empowering them to cultivate sustainable corporate travel initiatives that not only align with business objectives but also mitigate ecological footprints.

In honor of our people, our communities, the planet, and generations yet to come, the imperative for decisive action is palpable. The time for proactive measures has arrived, and we stand resolute in embracing the challenge ahead.

Every step of this journey, we stand alongside our customers, offering unwavering support to navigate the path toward a more sustainable future.


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FCM Consulting customer testimonials
Environmental sustainability should not be a buzz word, and it is definitely a journey of togetherness and commitment through the supply chain, learning from each other and making improvements to our journey, together and collectively. It is luxurious to have FCM as our Travel Service Management Partner to achieve our environmental sustainability goals in business travel and we enjoy working together for our commitment for the planet and generations to come.

Environmental Sustainability Specialist, Data Analysis Organisation.

Sustainability road over a forest


How government sustainability policy impacts business travel

It was in 2015 that 196 countries signed the Paris Agreement to increase the global average temperature of our planet. Since then, governments have set and adjusted their sustainability policies and emission reduction targets, with travel and transportation often part of their plans to protect our planet. Nations adopted the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals as a blueprint for clear objectives and action to tackle climate change. 

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Sustainability metrics stats: Phase 1 Carbon measurements, Phase 2 Emission reporting, Phase 3 non-carbon travel elements


Avoiding carbon tunnel vision 

Sustainable travel is a hot topic right now. Some would argue hotter than it has ever been, and it’s certainly no coincidence that our global temperatures are following the same trend. It’s important that as an industry, travel management does not get Carbon Tunnel Vision.

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Aerial street view, showcasing sustainability with lots of green


Sustainable events

We all know events can be powerful catalysts for success, but let's face it—they often leave a less-than-desirable impact on the environment. Nature Communications dropped a truth bomb recently: their research showed the event industry's carbon footprint equals the yearly emissions of the whole US. With the world focused on net zero, carbon-neutral events are now a must, no ifs, ands, or buts.

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Trent Brash from Steel & Tube


Case study: Steel & Tube's sustainability journey

Hear from Global Sustainability Manager of Steel & Tube, Trent Brash about how FCM provides Steel & Tube with a software suite that allows them to understand their travel behaviour, from a holistic view, down to a specific trip.

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Sustainability Journey Travel Management


Our sustainability journey: redefining business travel to preserve our planet 

Our journey towards sustainable business travel begins with establishing a strategic vision for impactful initiatives which also align with our commitment to help our people, the planet, and our customers.

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Someone on an iPad in amongst a bush


Supporting your path to more sustainable travel in the tech space

In the realm of fostering sustainable business practices, FCM emerges as a guiding force, offering a comprehensive suite of strategies that propel businesses towards achieving their sustainability objectives.

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FCM Windmills


Sustainability through Savi

When it comes to sustainability, New Zealand companies - now more than ever are looking at ways to reduce their travel program's carbon footprint, and with FCM’s unique online booking tool, Savi, you can.

This savvy tool uses verified carbon calculation technology to help businesses to reduce and then offset carbon emissions for online and offline bookings.

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Susta plane over a green field


Sustainable soaring: How airlines are changing the climate game

As businesses skyrocket and the corporate traveller yearns to soar, a balance must be found to meet the needs of global connectivity and economic growth while also preserving our planet for future generations. Here’s how airlines around the world are stepping up to the sustainability runway.

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baby turtles on a beach


Partnering for positive change: FCM's collaboration with Accor in sustainability

At FCM, we believe that the path to a more sustainable future is paved with collaboration. Partnering with like-minded suppliers and organisations is crucial in driving positive change within the corporate travel industry. Our collaboration with Accor stands as a testament to this belief, as we work together towards a more sustainable and inclusive world.

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Sustainable Travel Consulting | FCM Consulting

Sustainable travel consulting

From carbon offsets to policy, FCM Consulting’s sustainable business travel advice can future proof your travel program.

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