From tiny shampoos to takeaway cups: Beat plastic waste one hotel stay at a time

It’s always good to do a little more for our planet, and there are plenty of ways to help ‘green-ify’ your business trips. This year’s Earth Day theme is ‘Planet vs. Plastic’, so we decided to chat with Glenn Thorsen, FCM Consulting’s Global Sustainability Lead, to hear is favourite tips for reducing plastic waste while staying at a hotel. Let’s check out what business travellers should consider while checking in!
1. Reusable items never go out of style
It may seem like old news, but it’s never a bad idea to reminder travellers to bring (or you can provide) reusable water bottles, tumblers, coffee thermoses, and more. This will prevent travellers from using the singe-use plastic cups that are often included in a hotel room and give them a more eco-friendly option when hydrating or looking for a caffeine pick-me-up.
2. Bring a tote bag or backpack
Whether travelling for business or pleasure, travellers often find themselves leaving with more than they packed (anyone else always fall for the souvenir shops?). Instead of filling your arms up with single-use plastic bags at every shop you stop at, encourage travellers to bring a large tote bag or a backpack. The planet (and their arms) will be thankful!
3. Make green meeting room requests
If you book a conference room, there are ways you can minimise your plastic waste with little disruption to your agenda. If you’re requesting catering and coffee service, ask for real plates and silverware, glasses, mugs, and recycled napkins to reduce plastic waste. If you need to provide your attendees with office supplies (notebooks, pens, pencils, etc.) order options that are from recycled materials as well.
4. Research your room amenities
Many hotels are transitioning away from single-use plastics in their rooms, for example, replacing single-use travel size toiletries with larger refillable containers (shampoo, condition, body wash, lotion, etc.). You can usually find out what hotels are making this change via their website, so make sure to advise travellers to do their research before booking, or you can prioritise these hotels in your sourcing.
5. Say no to unnecessary single-use plastic
There are a lot of random ways plastic has been overused during a hotel stay, and a lot of hotels are doing their part in removing it from their rooms. Avoid hotels that use excessive plastic wrap/coverings of in-room items, such as slippers, drinking glasses, toiletries, surfaces, etc. And if you’re worried about sanitation, there are sustainable options (like recyclable paper-based materials) that can protect these items just as well.
Join Team Planet and fight against plastic waste!
With these simple tips, you’ll be sailing towards greener hotel stays in no time, without disrupting any part of your stay. And the truth is, these simple tips are only just the start of what you can do to make your hotel program more eco-friendly, and the FCM Consulting team is here to help.