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The power of travel data

If you want to improve your travel programmes, you’re going to need some data first. Data is what paints a picture of your travel management habits. The secrets to where you’re overspending, which travel policies are falling short, how you can improve safety and where you can save time and money are all hidden in your travel data.

Our reporting and analytics team has the expertise to interpret and translate your data into savings, improvements, and travel-wide benefits. Get on-demand reporting and detailed overviews of your travel activity, reservations and financial expenditure.

Let us take a deep dive into your travel management data and pull up actionable insights that will lead to big results.

iPad displaying the TW reporting dashboard

Have your travel data and use it too

What’s the point in having all this awesome data around if you can't make sense of it? You need a platform where you can see all the data you need - when you need it.

Enter our AI Reporting system.

This isn’t your average reporting tool. Our AI reporting is designed to be easy to use, giving you access to all of your valuable insights. All you need to do is ask for the information you need.

What is my cost per mile?
What is my hotel spend variance year after year?
Who is travelling today?

Simply type your question into the search bar and a custom report will auto-generate below. No more pouring through endless spreadsheets or waiting on reports. From identifying savings to finding the statistics you need to respond to a critical incident — AI Reporting delivers the travel data you need, your way.

Book a demo

Find out what makes your travel programme tick

You need powerful reports and analytics that pave the way to a high performing travel programme. That means on-demand data and exclusive insights into your travel activity, reservations, spend and more.
Connect with customisable, sharable dashboards that can integrate 3rd party data to give you a full overview of your travel metrics.

Our reporting and analytics team is all about figuring out what makes your travel programme work, and how to make it work even harder for your business.

Let us help you:

  • Track expenses for full visibility
  • Maximise your safety and risk
  • Report on your carbon offsetting and improve sustainability
  • Increase your traveller’s happiness rate
  • Benchmark your travel policies against industry standards
  • Identify behavioural traveller trends

Get more value from your travel programme by working smarter and maximising your spend.

Our business travel management app will get your travellers where they need to go. FCM Travel gives you access to your entire travel policy on any device.
Is handling travel approvals a pain in the neck? FCM Travel makes approvals easy ensuring they line up with your travel policy and procedures.
Is your traveller’s safety on your mind? Leave your duty of care obligations with our experienced travel management team here at FCM Travel.

Travel technology that keeps you moving.  Book a demo.

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