FCM Southeast Asia Management Team

Our FCM Southeast Asia Management Team is comprised of dedicated leaders who are passionate about business travel management, travel technology, and delivering a high level of customer service across the region and beyond.

Talk to us

Kenji Soh

Kenji Soh

General Manager, Southeast Asia
Jessica Tan

Jessica Tan

Head of Account Management, SEA
Yong Xiang Lim, Head of Sales, SEA

Yong Xiang Lim

Head of Sales, SEA
Jaslin Puay, HR Leader, SEA

Jaslin Puay

Head of People & Culture, SEA
JingWen Wong

JingWen Wong

Head of Meetings & Events, SEA & China
Helen Chin, Operations Leader, Singapore

Helen Chin

Head of Operations, Singapore
Stephanie Hah, Operations Leader, Malaysia

Stephanie Hah

Head of Operations, Malaysia
Nirmal Prabu, Head of Digital Governance and Delivery, SEA

Nirmal Prabu

Head Of Digital Governance And Delivery, Asia
Wallace Yap Account Manager

Wallace Yap

Head of Customer Implementation, SEA

FCM Asia Management Team

Our FCM Asia Management Team is comprised of dedicated leaders who are passionate about business travel management, travel technology, and delivering a high level of customer service across the globe.

Bertrand Saillet

Bertrand Saillet

Managing Director, Asia
Anna Wong, Director of Human Resources, FCM Asia

Anna Wong

Director of Human Resources, Asia
Scott Reddie Senior Director of Account Management, Asia

Scott Reddie

Chief Business Officer, Asia
FCM Travel Hong Kong - Director of Customers Operations Asia - Annemiek Van Bummel

Annemiek van Bemmel

Director of Customer Operations, Asia
Abdel Abatouy CTIO Asia

Abdel Abatouy

Chief Technology & Information Officer (CTIO), Asia
Ankur Bansal

Ankur Bansal

Director of Delivery and Transformation