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Triana Heinz's Journey

Nurturing Emerging Talent

We are thrilled to introduce Triana Heinz, our talented Junior Product Owner who has shown remarkable dedication and growth during her time with our company. Triana's unique perspective and skills have been invaluable in shaping our products.

question 1

As a Junior Product Owner, how do you contribute to FCM's product development process?

Our products are of internal use, our users are our colleagues, it's important for me to take advantage of having them around to include them in the improvement and development process. I try as well to involve the developers in the discovery phase to ensure the correct development of our products.

Question 2

What unique perspective or skills do you bring to the table?

I was fortunate enough to initiate as a QA Tester (Quality assurance tester) After taking a full-stack development / UX/UI Design BootCamps, This whole journey combined with some years working in Sales and marketing led me to the position, I was sure since the beginning I wanted! Being a Product owner combine so many different streams into one, having a global overview is definitely a game changer in my career.

Question 3

Have you faced any specific gender-related challenges in your journey as a woman in tech, and how did you navigate them?

For a long time, the tech world was mostly a man's world. Fact is that today, at FCM Lab out of a team of 36, only 4 are women. In my opinion, it's important to be yourself, stand for what you believe, and also be open to learning from everyone, if we want to change we need to be that change, relying on our strengths, our empathy and the work we do will speak for ourselves. Women have come to this sector to stay and also lead. I'm glad to work in a Company where we have many women leading in different departments, even the tech one.

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Discover 2 other female profiles involved in technological innovation at FCM, as well as our article presenting the organizations and measures to be deployed to value women in this field.