Partner up for success

Partnering for business travel success in the Nordics


In the fast-paced world of business, the ability to travel efficiently and effectively is key to success. For companies operating in the Nordic region, having a trusted partner to navigate the complexities of business travel can make all the difference. Because business travel isn't just about getting from point A to B; it's about understanding the nuances of local markets, ensuring compliance with travel policies, and maximising resources to drive growth.

Tailored expertise

The Nordic region encompasses diverse business cultures and market nuances. It’s a region adapting to innovation and work-life balance, prioritising sustainability, and efficiency while fostering innovation and collaboration. Whatever your priorities and challenges are, we’ll tailor our solutions to meet the varied needs of your business.


Efficiency and cost optimisation

Regardless if you’re operating in one Nordic country or across the globe, you can optimise travel expenses without compromising quality. Whether booking flights, accommodations, transportation, or managing expenses, our extensive network and expertise ensure cost-effective solutions that save time and resources. Through our global and Nordic partnerships, you’ll get access to competitive pricing and exclusive offers, maximising your travel budget.


Streamlined processes and compliance

Adhering to travel policies is crucial for cost control and risk management. From our decades of experience in travel management, FCM can assist you in streamlining processes and compliance tailored to each country's requirements. So whether you’re navigating Denmark's business landscape, adhering to Norway's policies, ensuring compliance in Sweden, or managing expenses in Finland, you can ensure transparency and mitigate risks.


A perfect blend of technology and service

Every business is unique, regardless of size. Our dedicated account managers take time to understand your needs and preferences, ensuring a personalised strategy and service to propel your travel programme goals.

Our travel consultants are experienced and knowledgeable, with the ability to help plan any trip from a Nordic site visit, to the most complex itinerary. Our team are available 24/7 with local support to assist anyone who needs emergency support out of usual working hours.  

This service is perfect blended with cutting-edge technologies. Through our technology, you get real-time insights and greater control over travel expenses, empowering informed decision-making regardless of location.


Commitment to sustainability

Sustainability is a core value across the Nordic countries, and we're committed to promoting eco-friendly travel options. From recommending eco-friendly transportation options to offsetting carbon emissions from business travel, we help you reduce their environmental footprint while meeting their travel needs. By aligning with Nordic values of environmental stewardship, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility.

Conclusion: Partnering for success with FCM

Navigating Nordic business travel may pose challenges, but with FCM as your partner, it becomes an avenue for growth. Whether in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, or Finland, we provide the expertise, support, and solutions to unlock the full potential of business travel.

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