Getting Ready for Th!nk


Getting Ready for Th!nk

Mark your calendars: 10 May 2022

FCM, in partnership with GBTA, is bringing you a one-of-a-kind virtual event. Broadcast across the globe – and in a time zone that suits you – it’ll gather the international travel industry together in one extraordinary space. Th!nk is the FCM event of the year.

Start your Th!nk journey with thought disruption from the Kick-Off event broadcast from Athens, streamed live or on catch-up. Then navigate through global insights, local expertise, impressive speakers and exclusive content in the Th!nk global library.

Here’s how to prepare.


How it works

You’ll be given access to the Th!nk platform. It all starts with thought disruption from the Th!nk Kick-Off event in Athens, streamed live or on catch-up depending on your time zone. 

Then you can cherry-pick the best content and networking opportunities to suit your needs.

All you have to do is make sure you’re prepared and poised to take advantage.

As you’re joining us virtually, we want to prepare you in advance so that you can successfully interact without missing out or getting the dreaded “zoom fatigue”.


6 hints to get ready for Th!nk

1. Have your password ready – and get familiar with the virtual space

After registering for Th!nk, you will receive a password 1-2 days before kick-off. Take some time to explore the virtual space, check out the exhibitor and sponsor booths, and play with the settings (like language) before jumping into the action on 10 May.

2. Check out the agenda ahead of the day

We’ve got a jam-packed calendar for you. There will be global content and thought disruption available as soon as you log in. With talks and sessions happening across Asia, EMEA, USA, Latin America, Australia and New Zealand, you’ll be able to see them all in the Th!nk platform.

For a slick and seamless Th!nk experience add key agenda items to your diary, so that you receive notifications and avoid missing out.

3. Be ready to think, challenge and debate

Don't sit in a bubble! Get the most out of Th!nk by getting involved with live polls and asking questions. Start conversations on the platform with other attendees to discuss and debate what you’ve just listened to - it might spark the idea you’ve been searching for.

4. Take a breather – it’s OK to leave and come back

Virtual event fatigue is real. You don’t need to dedicate an entire day to viewing Th!nk. We know the content is excellent and you don’t want to miss out – but it’s available for you live on 10 May and then on demand at any time after that, so go and grab a coffee and relax. We’ve got your back. We’ve also taken the time to make sure our sessions are in small, interactive, digestible pieces. Pop in and pop out – but do get involved.

5. Be kind to your eyes – and back

For optimal viewing, make sure your desk set up is at its best, including the position of your chair, monitor and lighting. Ergonomics is important!

6. Ask for tech support – if you need it

Having issues logging in or viewing the content? That’s OK. We’ve got a dedicated team of people on hand to help with any issues regarding the virtual event. If you can’t find your password or are having issues logging in or accessing the content just email our team at