Improve your productivity on work trips with these tips

Celebrate World Productivity Day

It’s World Productivity Day! And who doesn’t love those little hacks that make our working lives easier? It’s the same for whether you’re in the office or on a work trip; if there’s a way to make sure you stay productive and happy while travelling, we’re all for it.

We asked members of the FCM Travel team to share their nuggets for staying productive while travelling for work.

Daniel Senyard, CEO, Shep (an FCM company)

Daniel Senyard
CEO, Shep (an FCM company)

“I use time-blocking in my day-to-day job, but grouping similar tasks together to remain “in flow” is even more important when travelling.

“I try to combine all of my calls into one solid chunk on a single day. This ensures that I can do team calls and online meetings back-to-back in a quiet location with good Wi-Fi, instead of having to find good spots for one-off meetings as they pop up.”

Eve Smith, Change Management and Communications Lead, FCM Consulting

Eve Smith
Change Management and Communications Lead, FCM Consulting

“It’s easy to go straight from hotel to meeting and back again when travelling for work, but to stay productive I find I need to get out for a walk or a run before work starts for the day. It helps to focus my mind, and the benefit is you get to see something of the city you’re travelling to!”

Oz Desai, Managing Director, FCM Ireland

Oz Desai
Managing Director, FCM Ireland

“It’s all about the routine for me. Always review your plans and ‘to do’ list before you set out for the day; it means you are always prepared and it kicks off the morning as planned. Try and carve out time to respond to urgent queries or emails as that will ease you back in when you return home.

“I believe it’s important to maintain your usual routine as close as possible, which can be challenging while travelling. But if you exercise and eat breakfast as normal then your mind and body will thrive on it.”

Trudie Earle, Events and Partnerships Manager, FCM Travel

Trudie Earle
Events and Partnerships Manager, FCM Travel

I find I’m more productive and focus on what’s at hand when I’m not looking at my laptop and seeing emails pop up, so I always pack a notebook for taking notes. Take breaks and allow yourself quiet time in a quiet place – not just to work but to refresh your eyes and your brain!

“The best time to clear emails is at the airport; clearing those unessential ones so your inbox is less clogged when you get back to the office.”

David Sykes, Director, Solutions Engineering EMEA

David Sykes
Director, Solutions Engineering EMEA

“Pack a portable charger as some airports, trains and planes are surprisingly lacking in plugs. Travel time is a good time to catch up on emails!

“For extra productivity, I recommend paying for in-flight Wi-Fi so you can work on the plane.”