An ideal duo: How the FCM Platform works with Cytric

FCM Platform, approvals technology

A true travel manager knows there's so much more to managing a massive corporate travel programme than just booking trips. It's about crafting and maintaining a seamless experience for travellers, arrangers, and managers before, during, and after a trip.   
As an Amadeus Cytric Travel & Expense user, you know it does the heavy lifting when it comes to bookings and expense management. But we saw an opportunity to create a tool that wraps around the entire corporate travel experience for every persona. That's how the FCM Platform streamlines travel management and addresses common pain points in the corporate travel ecosystem, all while playing nice with your Cytric setup. 

A seamless Cytric integration

The FCM Platform is proprietary and built in-house, yet designed to work flawlessly with Cytric. This integration allows users to manage all aspects of travel in one place, from booking to expense reporting. Our partnership with Cytric means that travellers and travel managers can enjoy a unified experience and leverage the strengths of both platforms.

Benefits of a long-standing partnership

FCM Travel is a long-standing partner of Cytric’s owner Amadeus. The FCM Platform's integration with Cytric ensures that travellers, arrangers, and managers alike can benefit from features such as centralised user data, multi-sourced global and local content, and synchronised trip information.

FCM Platform integration, Cytric

Solving common travel pain points

We didn’t want to create something new without solving common problems we hear from our customers. For instance, managing multiple logins for different tools can be a hassle. With the FCM Platform, there's single sign-on which enables quick access to other crucial business travel handy tools, like Cytric.   

Another pain point we've addressed is simplifying approvals for travel programmes with more than one online booking tool (OBT). Platform Approvals allows users to view and approve trip requests in one app/website, regardless of which OBT is used.  

Additionally, our integration with Cytric ensures that all travel data is aggregated under one user interface, providing a holistic view of travel activities. So once a traveller books a trip in Cytric, they will find that trip reflected across the FCM Platform whether they are viewing on mobile or on desktop.  

Holistic trip management

The FCM Platform is designed to manage every phase of travel, from searching for flights and your hotel, to booking, all the way to analysing post-trip data.

How Cytric and the FCM Platform work together

Booking: When a traveller clicks 'Book’ within the FCM Platform, they are single sign on'd into Cytric, ensuring local nuances and requirements are met. All bookings are synced back to the FCM Platform (and sent via email of course), where additional detail such as sustainability, safety, and wellness details are added.  

Duty of care: With built-in safety and risk management features via Crisis24, travellers are supported throughout their journey. Our platform ensures that duty of care responsibilities are met, providing peace of mind for both travellers and their employers.  

Reporting: The FCM Platform consolidates data from various sources, offering comprehensive reporting capabilities. This allows travel managers to gain insights into travel spend, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions whether receipts are scanned in Cytric mobile or other apps.

Extra-special integration options

FCM Extension: Add on decision making tech to enhance your communication. This browser extension provides targeted messaging and support within Cytric, ensuring that travellers receive relevant information at time of booking.

Expense Connector: This tool integrates travel and expense statements data from Cytric, allowing companies to see a complete picture of their spending. This integration helps identify discrepancies and leakage, ensuring accurate expense management.

Ready to supercharge Amadeus Cytric Travel with the FCM Platform? Let's talk.

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