1million in savings

Business travel savings strategies for growing companies

Growing Swedish companies face numerous hurdles when managing business travel. From navigating limited budgets to grappling with time constraints, striking the right balance is crucial for sustainable growth. In this article, we'll delve into the business travel challenges faced by small and medium sized companies, and how working with an expert travel partner can ease those pains.


Rigid travel solutions

Growing businesses often struggles to find travel solutions that align with their specific business objectives and budget constraints. Technology and service can be too restricted or not match what you are aiming to achieve. Without tailored options, you risk overspending on unnecessary amenities or missing out on essential services.

FCM collaborates closely with small and medium-sized businesses like yours to develop personalised travel solutions that meet your unique needs. By negotiating corporate rates and providing dedicated account management, FCM ensures that you get optimal value for your travel spend.

Fragmented expenses and data

Your travel booking data could be sitting in various places. Consolidating travel expenses can be a daunting task, and it’s easy to miss opportunities for cost savings. Aside from your expense process, you might be missing out on preferential rates and consolidated booking platforms, which could mean you’re spending too much on flights and hotels. 

By partnering with FCM, your travel expenses will be consolidated into one place, so it’s easier to budget and track. With our global network and purchasing power, you’ll get preferential rates with airlines, hotels and other suppliers negotiated on your behalf, so you’ll see the savings quickly stack up.

Inefficient travel booking processes

Time is of the essence for your growing business. Whether you’re booking a short trip to Europe or a more complicated itinerary further afield, you need a user-friendly booking platform and dedicated support.

FCM's custom-built booking platform, in combination with our dedicated travel consultants, streamlines the entire booking process for SMEs like yours. With real-time pricing and personalised assistance, save time and focus on core business activities. Leave the travel arrangements to us.

Not knowing where your team is

At first this sounds over-bearing, but it’s for a good reason. Ensuring the safety and well-being of your travelling employees is a top priority. Without robust duty of care, risk management measures and communication plans in place, you risk exposing your employees to unforeseen risks and emergencies.

FCM helps you prioritise your traveller safety through comprehensive duty of care services, including traveller tracking and proactive risk management support. With FCM's assistance, your company can feel safe, mitigate potential risks effectively, and ensure prompt assistance during emergencies.

Inaccurate reporting and analytics

Access to accurate data and insights is essential for effective decision-making in travel management. Without comprehensive reporting and analytics tools, it can be a struggle to track expenses and potentially miss out on cost-saving opportunities.

FCM offers robust reporting and analytics tools that empower SMEs to gain visibility into your travel expenses and trends. Through intuitive dashboards and customisable reports, you can easily track and get a clear overview of key metrics, identify cost-saving opportunities, and make informed decisions to optimise your travel spend.

Not maximising rewards

Due to inaccurate data and access, drowing businesses like yours often miss out on opportunities to maximise travel rewards and incentives. Without strategic partnerships and preferred supplier relationships, you may fail to leverage incentives to enhance the value of your travel spend.

Through strategic partnerships with airlines, hotels, and other suppliers, FCM offers access to exclusive rewards programmes and incentives. By leveraging these partnerships, you can easily earn rewards points, receive discounts, and enjoy complimentary upgrades, enhancing the value of your travel spend and incentivising employees.

Overcoming these unique challenges

Navigating the complexities of business travel is easier with the help of a travel management company like FCM. From tailored travel solutions and cost optimisation strategies, to time-efficient booking processes and duty of care support. FCM empowers growing Finnish businesses to streamline their travel management and achieve their growth objectives with confidence.

With FCM as your trusted partner, you can navigate the world of business travel efficiently and focus on driving success.

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