Disclaimer: This FAQ does not constitute visa advice. Visa advice can be obtained from the US Department of Homeland Security or visa advisory service providers.

The Electronic System for Travel Authorisation (ESTA) was implemented by the United States Department of Homeland Security and became mandatory on 12 January, 2009. The purpose of ESTA is to pre-screen customers that intend to visit the United States on the visa waiver program.  

All travellers to the United States from visa waiver countries (including Australia, New Zealand, the UK and Japan among others) must obtain approval.

To find out if your passport allows you to travel under the visa waiver program, please refer to the website below:

It is important to understand that an approval given under the ESTA does not guarantee entry, but it allows you to travel to the United States and ask for admittance to enter. ESTA is an online fully automated system that verifies your name and personal details against a number of law enforcement databases.

How to apply for a Travel Authorisation:

  • Logon to:
  • Complete the on-line application (this will take about 15 – 30 minutes)
  • Ensure the application is submitted at least 72 hours prior to travel

What information is required to obtain a Travel Authorisation?

  • Name, nationality and date of birth
  • Passport details
  • Convictions, arrests or any communicable diseases
  • Previous visa denial or denial of entry or volunteer withdrawal of request to enter

The US Department of Homeland Security introduced additional questions to the ESTA application in November 2014 and again in September 2015. These apply to new applications and include:

  • Other names or aliases
  • Parents’ names
  • Address and employment information
  • Emergency contact (here or USA)
  • US contact details
  • Other citizenship(s) held*

* Please note: Legislation passed in the US House of Representatives in December 2015 places restrictions on travellers with certain dual citizenship.  If you are a citizen of a visa waiver country and also a citizen of Iraq, Iran, Syria or Sudan you may not be able to visit the US under the visa waiver program.  You may have to apply for a visitor visaThis applies even if you are travelling solely on your visa waiver eligible passport.

People of any nationality who have visited Iraq, Iran, Syria or Sudan since 01 March 2011, in any capacity other than as serving military personnel, may also be required to obtain a visa.  Please contact your nearest US consulate.

Who needs to apply?

  • Visitors that intend to travel to the USA by air or sea carrier
  • All visitors must have their own ESTA including children and infants
  • All visitors must also have their own passport

How much does it cost?

The ESTA costs USD$14.00 per person and the fee must be paid by credit card at time of applying.  The fee is still charged if the application is declined.

When should I apply for the Travel Document?

You should apply more than 72 hours before you travel. However, you do not need to have a flight already booked. If you know you will be travelling to the United States within the next 3 -12 months, it is recommended to apply early in case you get denied and need to apply for a visitor visa. Applying for a visitor visa to the US can take weeks or even months.

What if my itinerary details change? Can I update the Travel Authorisation?

Yes. You can easily update the itinerary details. Once you have applied for and obtained your first Travel Authorisation, you will be given instructions for how to update it.

Does the ESTA document expire?

An approved ESTA Travel Authorisation is valid for two years but must be renewed / re-done before expiration if:

  • The traveller’s passport changes / expires
  • The traveller’s name or gender changes
  • The traveller’s citizenship changes

Can my travel consultant help me?

Due to privacy legislation, your travel consultant is unable to assist you with your Travel Authorisation.  Each adult travelling should complete their own authorisation and the appropriate parent / guardian should complete it for each child and infant.

Providing false information when applying for a Travel Authorisation can make you permanently ineligible to visit the United States.  It is extremely important that you carefully read the questions and understand the information you are expected to provide.

If you have ever been denied a visa to the USA, you cannot visit the US under the visa waiver program.  You must apply for a visitor visa

For detailed information and FAQ – Please refer to:

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