What makes a travel program ‘agile?’ 

Onboarding a new TMC

The Agile methodology is a way to manage a project by breaking it up into several phases. It’s the preeminent project management and software development methodology, resulting in entire businesses and software tools being built to support this revolutionary framework. 

You may be wondering how software development methodology could possibly apply to corporate travel. Rest assured that you aren’t alone. However, you may be surprised to hear that the similarities are closer than you think.

Let’s take a closer look at the 4 pillars of Agile and how they directly correlate to corporate travel programs: 

Individuals And Interactions Over Processes And Tools 

Corporate travel programs are focused on maintaining the travel needs of people, so the focus should be on their needs and how to best serve travellers and travel managers.  

Working Software Over Comprehensive Documentation 

Your travel technology should be user friendly and seamless to navigate. If something is easy to use, you shouldn’t need to read a manual to understand it. 

Customer Collaboration Over Contract Negotiation 

Figuring out dollars and cents is always a crucial part of a TMC and buyer relationship, but when that contract phase is focused on building a partnership and not a transactional relationship, the door is open for innovation and ingenuity.

Responding To Change Over Following a Plan

This is critical – agile travel policies can respond to change, whether it be organizational shifts, industry evolution, or global crises, in real-time without too much of a foundational shake up. Agility implies preparedness. 

We’ve only just scratched the surface of Agile’s potential for your travel program. At FCM, we’ve invested our time, teams, and money into developing an agile framework for our travel services and technology because we know this is what corporations will need to ensure their program’s longevity and efficiency.

There’s a lot more to learn about Agile, and now we want to share it all with you. Download our free eBook, Mastering Your Approach to Agile Corporate Travel, to access 26 pages of agile insights.

Want more insight on creating an agile travel program? Download our eBook today.
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