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GBTA Canada

Discover what’s on the other side of the “status quo.”

Let’s chat at GBTA Canada 2024.

We’re all about spring cleaning at FCM, and what better time to dust the cobwebs off your travel program than at GBTA Canada, the largest corporate travel event in the Great White North? 

Who we are 

FCM is one of the world’s largest travel management companies and a trusted partner for thousands of national and multi-national organizations, including many household brands, Fortune, and FTSE 100 companies. With a 24/7 reach in over 100 countries, our agile and flexible technology anticipates and solves client needs, supported by expert teams who provide in-depth local knowledge and duty of care as part of the ultimate personalized business travel experience.  

Is your interest piqued? We’d love to show you what we’re all about at GBTA Canada at booth #407. 

Book an appointment

Here’s what FCM does for corporate travel programs around the world… 

…and what we can show you at GBTA Canada
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Empowers travel managers

The FCM Platform lets you take charge of cost, compliance, and safety with a seamless UX that offers a suite of management controls and decision support tools at the point of booking.
FCM Travel | Business Travel Spend

Unlocks data-driven insights

Make more informed travel decisions, driven by comprehensive data and strategic insights that optimize your policy and performance. AI-powered reporting lets you create reports the same way you use your favorite search engine.
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Elevates the traveller experience

By merging the benefits of personalized agent teams and self-service technology, supported by 24/7 on-the-ground support via FCM Mobile, travellers can rest assured they’re never alone.

If you need a break from the expo floor, try your hand at the FCM plinko board, where you can win everything from a Tim Hortons gift card to roundtrip airline tickets. 

Attending education sessions? You’ll want to swipe right on this one. 

Let’s Talk About You & Me: Redefining the TMC and Buyer Relationship 

Tuesday, April 23rd from 11:15 AM-12:00 PM ET

TMCs constantly search for ways to unlock buyers’ hearts, but with the landscape of corporate travel changing so rapidly, can they be a perfect match? And are buyers even ready to share their true feelings? In this tell-all session, TMC, travel buyer, and expert consultant will finally open up to each other. 

Featured panelists:

  • Michael Hook, FCM North America Director of Sales
  • Gemma Marquez, Northland Power Inc. Global Corporate Services Manager
  • Nithin Balaji, Acquis Consulting Management Consultant

If you need more convincing to stop by, then allow our happy customers to do the talking: 

We had an ambitious plan to develop a travel program that our travelers want to use. That meant we needed consumer-grade technology and great customer support, which FCM is providing.

Rebecca Jefferies, Travel & Event Services Manager, Toyota Motor North America  

Bringing in FCM has been the highlight of my career.

Travel manager at a global manufacturer 

FCM can be relied on for global coverage that is not only geographical but also goes beyond mere travel.

Hubert Mugliette, Human Resources Supervisor, Songa Management Limited