Empower your travellers with real-time guidance


FCM’s partnership with Shep helps enforce your policy while keeping travellers safe and informed.

Shep – an award-winning travel data, communication and digital adoption platform (DAP) – helps enterprises better manage travel behaviour.

Acting as a browser extension, Shep delivers bite-sized, actionable guidance directly into the booking flow across thousands of sites, centralizing policy, information and guidance into a single, consumable format. This allows travel managers to create trigger-driven notifications or access external, 3rd party data (duty of care, sustainability) via integrated APIs that pop up to guide employees to safe, policy-compliant booking behaviour.

With COVID-19 still creating barriers in the world of travel, Shep is providing companies with the means to deliver the latest health and safety messages to their business travellers about their company’s travel restrictions across more than 1,000 different booking sites, from Concur to Airbnb, Expedia, Delta, and more.

“Previous to Coronavirus, it was all about cost efficiency, ROI, preferred what's important is {getting} the message to the travellers at the time that they're making their travel booking. When FCM proposed Shep, I thought this is it, this is the answer for us.”

Yukari Catherine Tortorich VP for global travel services at Discovery Inc.

Why companies use Shep

By working with FCM to leverage Shep’s technology, companies can take advantage of a number of benefits including:

  • Real time guidance: Bringing actionable policy and health-and-safety notifications into the booking flow
  • Reduced leakage from your tools: Driving search behaviour from consumer sites back to your online booking tool with point-of-browse directions
  • Informed travellers: Delivering real-time conditions, restrictions, and limitations of travel to certain areas due to COVID-19, visas, border closures, etc.
  • Instant notifications: Personalized and relevant notifications are deployed to your entire workforce in minutes
  • Savings in your travel program: Ensuring unused credits are being utilized and drive OBT adoption for massive program savings

Getting started

Working in tandem with your technology and travel processes, Shep enables travel managers to customize notifications according to their needs using the admin dashboard.

To see Shep in action and learn more about its benefits, reach out to you FCM Account Manager or fill out the form below to schedule a demo.

Swifter, smarter, smoother travel.  Let's talk.

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