3 reasons we’re thankful for our ERGs this Thanksgiving

Canadian Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is all about reflecting on what we’re grateful for. This year, we’re carving out some space to highlight our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) at Flight Centre Travel Group, Americas, and all the incredible ways they give back to both our employees and our community. And with five unique ERGs dedicated to Racial Equity, Gender Equity, Accessibility, LGBTQ2+, and Environmental Justice, there’s a lot to be grateful for!
So grab a plate and take a seat, because here are three reasons we’re thankful for our ERGs this Thanksgiving.


All data points and examples are taken from Flight Centre Travel Group, Americas’ 2024 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Report.

1. Cornucopia communication: Amplifying diverse voices

Just like a cornucopia overflowing with abundance, our ERGs are brimming with diverse insights that enrich our workplace – and they make sure everyone at the table has a voice. Here are a few ways our ERGs help carve out a more inclusive environment for every employee to feel heard and valued.

Focus Group Research

In September 2023, our Accessibility ERG participated in focus groups that served up a full plate of insights into employee experiences​​. Some key takeaways? Visibility is the secret ingredient to reducing disability stigma in the workplace, and increased education on accessible travel can also give our travel experts a competitive edge in winning business.

The same is true across the board for our Racial Equity, Gender Equity, and LGBTQ2+ ERGs. The Gender Equity ERG, for example, highlighted how gender-specific traveller concerns come to the surface during bookings. Meanwhile, our Racial Equity ERG emphasized the importance of clear communication regarding DEI initiatives and linguistic diversity – two key ingredients in improving employee retention and engagement.

This was the first time I felt like my feedback was actually heard and might have mde it to the ears that needed to hear it for changes to be implemented."

– FCTG Americas ERG Member

Guest Speakers

Our ERGs truly brought the gravy with a lineup of expert guest speakers that was anything but dry! This included our own Michelle Degenhardt, Global Sustainability Officer for FCTG, dishing out insights on sustainable travel and corporate responsibility. Monica Berkowski, LP, shared her “LGBTQ+ Holiday Survival Guide .” Intrepid Travel even led a session on women-only expeditions, reminding us of the importance of representation and safety in travel experiences.  Talk about a feast of knowledge!

Canadian Thanksgiving

Member-Led Sessions

When it comes to peer insights, our ERGs have plenty of stuffing to share. A standout example is the collaboration between our LGBTQ2+ and Accessibility ERGs,  which cooked up educational sessions on the intersection of mental health and the LGBTQ+ community. These sessions tackled important topics that often get left simmering on the back burner.

We’ve also had an abundance of member-led sessions celebrating diverse backgrounds, including:

  • The cultural roots of yoga
  • The vibrant festival of Holi
  • LGBTQ2+ travel experiences
  • Reflections on Muharram
  • Emancipation Day and its significance

Being in an ERG gives me a sense of support and inclusion that is hard to find in the workplace. 

– FCTG Americas ERG Member

2. Prep time: Fostering professional development & personal growth

Just like preparing the perfect Thanksgiving feast, professional development takes planning, patience, and the right tools. At the heart of each of our ERGs is a mission to not only support but also empower our employees to carve out brighter futures for themselves.

A great example is the "Toot Your Own Horn" program, hosted by the Gender Equity ERG. Much like adding seasoning to your Thanksgiving meal, this initiative added the perfect blend of knowledge, skills, and confidence to help participants shine during interviews.

The program served up three courses of career growth:

  • Self-paced learning on interview prep and self-promotion.
  • Group learning sessions where participants swapped interview tips, discussed barriers, and provided feedback on traditionally challenging questions for gender-diverse talent.
  • An hour-long workshop with senior leaders, offering personalized feedback on mock interviews.

Participants left feeling stuffed with knowledge, ready to tackle future interviews with confidence!

As an interviewee it was great to relate to the other participants that came. This was also my first opportunity meeting a lot of the Flight Centre leadership team so hearing tips about what stands out from them was very valuable.

– FCTG Americas ERG Member

Canadian Thanksgiving

3. Pass the gratitude plate: Giving back to the community

Thanksgiving is a time for sharing and giving, but our ERGs embody that same spirit of generosity all year round. Beyond supporting employees, our ERGs go the extra mile to give back to the community in meaningful ways. 

Point of Pride

Recently, our LGBTQ2+ ERG participated in the “Point of Pride” letter-writing campaign. Point of Pride, an organization providing financial aid and direct support to trans individuals, received affirming, handwritten notes from our members. These messages offered support and encouragement to trans youth and adults facing barriers to healthcare and were accompanied by care packages, bringing warmth and hope to those who often feel invisible. It's like giving a slice of pie—small but oh so sweet, and often the highlight of the meal.

Be My Eyes

Our Accessibility ERG also served up support through the “Be My Eyes” app. Just like having an extra set of hands to pass your plate, sighted group members signed up to provide video assistance to blind and low-vision users. At a moment’s notice, these volunteers offered visual support, helping with tasks ranging from navigating unfamiliar spaces to reading nutrition labels on a can of cranberry sauce.

Joining an ERG helped with my belief in our company and a reminder that we are all in this together.

– FCTG Americas ERG Member

Why we’re thankful for ERGs this Thanksgiving

Our ERGs embody the spirit of Thanksgiving by fostering community, giving, and gratitude. They provide safe spaces where employees can learn, grow, and give back—whether it’s through hosting a focus group, organizing a speaker session, or writing heartfelt letters of support. Their contributions don’t just help employees—they improve workplace culture and advance company-wide initiatives.

As we gather with friends and family this Thanksgiving, we’re also reflecting on the incredible impact of our ERGs. With 6% of FCTG Americas’ workforce connected to an ERG, we’re thankful for the role they play in making our company more inclusive and our communities stronger – and we can’t wait to watch that number grow.

So, this holiday season, let’s give thanks to our ERGs – because without them, we wouldn’t have nearly as much to celebrate.

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