TAFE NSW Hybrid Staff Recognition Awards
Key Highlights

Overview and Objective
The TAFE NSW Staff Recognition Awards celebration was introduced in 2018 to recognise and acknowledge individuals and teams for their demonstration of the TAFE NSW values, exceptional contribution and achievements in the workplace. It provides an opportunity to showcase the enormous talent and commitment of TAFE NSW employees. The key objective for this event was to create a special event that still has the glamour and excitement of a physical event, ensuring that all winners definitely feel the recognition they deserve.
- Accessibility: Captions and Auslan.
- Announcing winners live on-air and crossing live to them.
- Live speakers being both in-studio and at home.
- Utilise TAFE NSW students and facilities as much as possible.
Highlights and Results
- Extremely positive feedback.
- Successfully connected audiences through live crosses.
- Significant use of the active live chat feature on the event website.
- It was important to the client that we increase registrations by 10% from 2019. We were proud to have doubled their expectations.
- 1,279 people tuned in on the day.
“TAFE NSW engaged FCM Meetings & Events to assist with the delivery of the TAFE NSW 2020 Staff Recognition Awards due to moving to the virtual space. The hour long ceremony increased the number of staff who could attend from 100 face to face to over 700 virtual attendees. FCM Meetings & Events were involved in all aspects of the Recognition event from strategy, emcee selection, event registration, event platform build through to production delivery. Having a big picture mentality and always looking for creative way to deliver events that engage the end user ensures success. The whole team’s can do attitude coupled with their professionalism makes FCM Meetings & Events a true partner.”
Danna Brown
Senior Manager Events & Sponsorship - TAFE NSW

Our Strategic Response to the Brief
TAFE NSW was on a mission to execute their annual Staff Recognition Awards in this unprecedented time, and FCM Meetings & Events were up for the challenge. TAFE NSW wanted to increase registration numbers this year and guarantee a high retention rate.
FCM Meetings & Events suggested the use of an external MC to bring this hybrid event to life and imbed humour into the event to encourage a strong audience engagement. The use of an external MC created a WOW factor and added to the overall charismatic recognition element of the event. The attendees were delighted by a TAFE NSW alumni performer who welcomed guests with music as well as throughout the event.
The FCM Meetings & Events team built a fully branded dedicated website to ensure ease of access to the event, branding consistency, and to differentiate from a regular virtual meeting. In line with the event brand and identity, a big gold ‘A’ was produced as a stage set to tie in with the TAFE NSW logo and also enhance that 3D element on camera.

A Seamless Technology Solution and Audience Experience
FCM Meetings & Events filmed and broadcasted the event from the TAFE NSW St Leonards facilities using both the NW Group crew and TAFE NSW crew with students shadowing the production.
The production crew enabled all award finalists watching to be on stand by for their live cross when the winners were announced to allow for a seamless transition. These live interviews resulted in an additional ‘feel-good moment’ for everyone as it truly brought out the excitement and recognition the winners deserved.
Auslan and captions were integrated into the event to ensure ease of accessibility for all viewers. Throughout the event, to create impact, music stings, applause sound effects, and additional lighting was incorporated to create a celebratory look and feel.